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A reminder…
Although the hoardings have come down the land is still contaminated from its time as an unregulated landfill – one of the reasons why it was unsuitable for development! The new fencing is low and...
Work starts to remove the hoardings!
The hoardings at Princes Parade are now being dismantled with the intention that they will be put to use at the council’s Otterpool Park development.The work is expected to take two to three weeks...
Princes Parade Victory Party
Prince Parade has been saved – and to celebrate the achievement by campaigners and thousands of local residents Folkestone’s Tower Theatre is putting on an evening of music, theatre and comedy...
RMC hoardings-1
Could Princes Parade be fully opened to the public again?
This is the ambition of the Council which has committed to abandoning the plans for developing this contaminated site and is looking into what needs to be done to allow the removal of the hoardings and...
So when will the hoardings be removed?
At the first full council meeting of the newly elected administration held on Wednesday 21st June Councillor Jackie Meade reflected the impatience of the people of the district when she asked Council Leader...
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